Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Quest for Health begins now

As many of you know, I've been struggling to get my diabetes under control for a couple of years now.  I know what I need to do, eat better and exercise more. Thus far I have been unsuccessful in my quest.

This ends now.

Not only are my numbers (weight, and A1C) climbing into unacceptable levels, I am experiencing other complications.

One such complication is as simple as clothes not fitting well.  About 3-4 years ago I fit well into men's L shirts and size 38 pants, the smallest I've been since middle school.  Now not so much.  I have all of these great nerd and geek t-shirts collecting dust since I am too big to wear them right now.

Another complication is I have to go every 7 weeks to get an injection in my left eye so that I can continue to keep seeing.  The medication is working and it used to be every 4 weeks, but I wish it was every 0 weeks due to not needing it.  This will come once I get my issues under control.

Right now I am also on a number of diabetes medication, 3 pills plus nightly insulin shots.  These plus some Triglyceride pills add up to a hefty "pill salad" every morning and a smaller one at night.  It cannot be good for me to take all of these pills (in fact some of them have adverse effects taken long term).  The cost is not a trivial fact either, I can afford it because of my insurance but paying something closer to $0 would be even better.

My father died fairly early in his life, and the best guess as to why was complications from his diabetes.  Right now, I am following the same path.  Living longer than him is one of my goals.

These are the main reasons why I am committing to getting it "right" this time around.  In future posts, I will explore what I am going to do about it and why.

Thanks for reading.

- Allan